March 22, 2010

City of God (Fernando Meirelles, 2002)

A reviewer compared City of God to Goodfellas (Martin Scorsese, 1990) and many parallels could be made between the two. As they both fall into the genre of gangster films, they depict violence in a raw, uninhibited way, in a realist fashion. City of God, with its documentary-style aesthetic—camera shakes, voice-over narration, etc., uses that realism to emphasize its story’s […]
February 16, 2011

Blue Valentine (Derek Cianfrance, 2010)

Blue Valentine follows a married couple in turmoil, and recalls their relationship’s romantic beginnings as it threatens to unravel in the present.
February 23, 2011

Domino (Tony Scott, 2005)

Domino is stylistically intricate, using several techniques developed by Scott through his commercials and his latest films that enhance the narrative.
March 26, 2010

Slumdog Millionaire (Danny Boyle, 2008)

In Slumdog Millionaire, a disenfranchised wants to prove he did not cheat after participating in India’s “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?”
March 29, 2010

The Day The Earth Stood Still (Scott Derrickson, 2008)

In The Day The Earth Stood Still, an alien representative arrives on Earth, setting in motion a plan to save the planet Earth by destroying mankind.