December 16, 2013

HK: Hentai Kamen (Yûichi Fukuda, 2013)

Apart from the fact that it’s one of the most entertaining films of 2013, the best thing about HK: Hentai Kamen is the joy of having to explain its premise to people, to witness their flabbergasted stare and assure them that “it’s really, really good”. Actually, it is really good because its parody comes from a place of love for […]
May 5, 2015

Seven Pounds (Gabriele Muccino, 2008)

Seven Pounds is a great concept but executed with poor vision. The supporting cast is well chosen, with Dawson, Harrelson and Pepper being high points.
April 19, 2010

The Lookout (Scott Frank, 2007)

In The Lookout, after a violent car accident, a promising young man, disabled by a memory condition, is persuaded into robbing the local bank he works in.
November 15, 2015

Spectre (Sam Mendes, 2015)

After the tragic death of M and to honour her memory, James Bond uncovers a conspiracy of influential individuals called Spectre, a secret society responsible for strategic terrorist attacks around the world. As Bond strives to thwart their plans, fundamental changes are affecting the secret services back home, leaving Bond to fend for himself.  
March 26, 2010

The Savages (Tamara Jenkins, 2007)

In The Savages, Tamara Jenkins explores the importance of family and the effects of dementia in this hard depiction of growing old.