March 22, 2010

Macunaïma (Joaquim Pedro de Andrade, 1969)

One of the most interesting aspects of South-American cinema is its post-colonial perspective. Having lived myself and being raised in a Third-world country, I can identify and relate to the plight of South-American characters, living up to their (displaced) roots while fighting their imposed colonial heritage. I’ve seen firsthand the social stratification that the colonial rule instilled into the indigenous […]
April 20, 2010

Rough Cut (Hun Jang, 2008)

Rough Cut constructs a dual history of characters, mirror images of one another, distorted through time, in a film within a film.
April 20, 2010

Antique (Kyu-dong Min, 2008)

His motivations nebulous, a young man opens a neighborhood Western-style bakery called Antique, employing a host of off-the-wall characters.
April 20, 2010

Dream (Kim Ki-duk, 2008)

Kim Ki-duk has shown he's an art-house auteur to contend with. Here, he adopts an esoteric premise, developing it as a meditation on love and passion.
December 10, 2010

Boys on the Run (Daisuke Muira, 2010)

In Boys on the Run, Tanishi, a toy representative, spends his evenings engaging in phone sex with strangers and masturbating to hard-core porn.