March 26, 2010

I Don’t Want To Talk About It (Maria Luisa Bemberg, 1993)

In I Don’t Want To Talk About It which precedes her sudden death in 1995, Maria Luisa Bemberg explores the same themes as in her most famous movie, Camila.
May 19, 2010

Robin Hood (Ridley Scott, 2010)

As a painstakingly accurate retelling of its legend, Robin Hood had every opportunity to shine. But it falls short of expectations.
November 28, 2010

Written By (Wai Ka-fai, 2009)

In Written By, after losing his whole family in an accident, a blind writer keeps his loved ones alive by writing them an afterlife.
October 22, 2013

Drug War (Johnny To, 2012)

Drug War's writing is sharp and gripping, surprising us at every turn, setting up great action scenes, brilliantly directed by Johnny To.
November 26, 2010

Brass Knuckle Boys (Kankuro Kudo, 2008)

Brass Knuckle Boys is a Japanese comedy about an old Japanese punk-rock music band from the ’70s and ’80s looking to extend their 15 minutes of fame.