March 3, 2011

Legendary Assassin (Chung Chi Li and Jacky Wu, 2008)

In Legendary Assassin, following the murder of a triad boss, an assassin is trapped on the small island where the deed occurred due to weather conditions.
March 4, 2011

The Clone Returns Home (Kanji Nakajima, 2008)

Although the premise seems ripe for the movie becoming a welcome addition to the minimalist cerebral sci-fi genre, The Clone Returns Home disappoints.
April 20, 2010

Love Exposure (Sion Sono, 2008)

Love Exposure is a beautiful film, a cherished secret I find myself unwilling to share but incapable of keeping. It's one of the best films I've ever seen.
November 24, 2010

A Frozen Flower (Ha Yu, 2008)

I’ve heard good things about the Korean film, A Frozen Flower. Outside from the gorgeous production value and box-office success, it has also been heralded for its inclusion of homosexuality in a period setting. I was hoping I would get to see it at this year’s festival and was glad to see it on the schedule, even if for only […]
April 20, 2010

Antique (Kyu-dong Min, 2008)

His motivations nebulous, a young man opens a neighborhood Western-style bakery called Antique, employing a host of off-the-wall characters.