April 19, 2010

Once (John Carney, 2006)

WHAT IT IS: An aspiring English songwriter meets a young singer who sparks his desire and ambition. HOW IT IS: There has been a lot of press on how cheap this movie was to make and how much profit and praise it has garnered. It’s true that aesthetically, this movie looks amateurish, with no photography crafting, camera skill or direction. […]
May 25, 2011

Edge Of Darkness (Martin Campbell, 2010)

In Edge of Darkness, a veteran police detective uses his experience and skills to unearth the massive conspiracy and corruption that led to her death.
April 20, 2010

3:10 To Yuma (James Mangold, 2007)

In 3:10 To Yuma, a down-on-his-luck farmer volunteers to escort an outlaw (Russell Crowe) to the 3:10 train out of Yuma which will lead him to jail.
March 26, 2010

A Silent Love (Federico Hidalgo, 2004)

What’s most interesting about A Silent Love is its comical approach to its subject. There is much in common with the tongue-in-cheek of Mexican dramas.
March 22, 2010

City of God (Fernando Meirelles, 2002)

A reviewer compared City of God to Goodfellas (Martin Scorsese, 1990) and many parallels could be made between the two. As they both fall into the genre of gangster films, they depict violence in a raw, uninhibited way, in a realist fashion. City of God, with its documentary-style aesthetic—camera shakes, voice-over narration, etc., uses that realism to emphasize its story’s […]