January 30, 2015

Live (Noboru Iguchi, 2014)

What is most impressive with Live is its infectious energy.Every death, every plot point is sacrificed to the cinematic experience.
December 10, 2010

Boys on the Run (Daisuke Muira, 2010)

In Boys on the Run, Tanishi, a toy representative, spends his evenings engaging in phone sex with strangers and masturbating to hard-core porn.
November 26, 2010

Sell Out! (Joon Han Yeo, 2008)

The only showing of the Singapore film, Sell Out, is, oddly enough, sold out. It’s my first Singaporean film, a musical sporting a peculiar premise, so I’m excited about it. A young Singaporean engineer, working for a multinational conglomerate, designs a terrific new product (a tofu processor) but discovers that his invention (and any kind of innovation) isn’t welcomed at […]
August 12, 2011

Petty Romance (Jeong-Hoon-Il Kim, 2010)

With its raunchy premise, Petty Romance begins with strong comedic elements. The most interesting part of the movie is its odd first half.
March 22, 2010

City of God (Fernando Meirelles, 2002)

A reviewer compared City of God to Goodfellas (Martin Scorsese, 1990) and many parallels could be made between the two. As they both fall into the genre of gangster films, they depict violence in a raw, uninhibited way, in a realist fashion. City of God, with its documentary-style aesthetic—camera shakes, voice-over narration, etc., uses that realism to emphasize its story’s […]