November 28, 2010

The Devils (Ken Russell, 1971)

Legend goes that The Devils was considered so extreme in its time that it was banned in North America and never distributed on home video here.
April 2, 2014

12 Years a Slave (Steve McQueen, 2013)

The highlight of 12 Years a Slave is Steve McQueen’s direction. The arresting scenes of the film are the moments of sheer beauty.
March 26, 2010

Dan in Real Life (Peter Hedges, 2007)

Dan in Real Life is predictable, and its characters rarely venture into unknown territory. It makes for a passable rental, but not much else.
May 19, 2010

Robin Hood (Ridley Scott, 2010)

As a painstakingly accurate retelling of its legend, Robin Hood had every opportunity to shine. But it falls short of expectations.
July 29, 2011

My Fantasia 2011: Selling out

A few weeks before the 2011 Fantasia Film Festival, the programmers released a tentative list of noteworthy films to be screened at the festival. Before then, I’m a little underwhelmed about the festival this year, enthralled in activities out and about in the city. Montreal in the summer is something to experience; it’s frustrating really, choosing between all the happenings […]