November 15, 2015

Spectre (Sam Mendes, 2015)

After the tragic death of M and to honour her memory, James Bond uncovers a conspiracy of influential individuals called Spectre, a secret society responsible for strategic terrorist attacks around the world. As Bond strives to thwart their plans, fundamental changes are affecting the secret services back home, leaving Bond to fend for himself.  
April 19, 2010

Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone, 2006)

Although its story recalls the hope and determination of the first Rocky (John G. Avildsen, 1976), Rocky Balboa is a pale copy.
April 20, 2010

3:10 To Yuma (James Mangold, 2007)

In 3:10 To Yuma, a down-on-his-luck farmer volunteers to escort an outlaw (Russell Crowe) to the 3:10 train out of Yuma which will lead him to jail.
April 19, 2010

Man On Fire (Tony Scott, 2004)

Man on Fire is part of Scott's flip-out phase, where the director experimented with ultra fast-cutting editing, and video clip-like light transitions.
May 20, 2010

Street Kings (David Ayer, 2007)

In Street Kings, police officer Tom Ludlow never hesitates to venture outside the law in the pursuit of Los Angeles’s most reviled criminals.