Red Brand Studios
April 19, 2010
Man On Fire (Tony Scott, 2004)
Man on Fire is part of Scott's flip-out phase, where the director experimented with ultra fast-cutting editing, and video clip-like light transitions.
January 26, 2011
The Man From Nowhere (Lee Jeong-beom, 2010)
In The Man from Nowhere, after a neighbour's daughter is abducted by drug dealers, Tae-shik will stop at nothing to save her.
April 20, 2010
X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Gavin Hood, 2009)
As action films go, Wolverine isn’t so bad, establishing a diverse group of supporting characters for the franchise to play around with.
April 20, 2010
Adrift In Tokyo (Satoshi Miki, 2007)
In a cluster of odd situations, Adrift in Tokyo makes us experience its city, from its empty residential streets to its Metropolis-like allure.
March 26, 2010
Revolutionary Road (Sam Mendes, 2008)
In Revolutionary Road, DiCaprio and Winslet are well cast as the young couple on opposite journeys and Michael Shannon shines as their neighbour.
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