November 26, 2010

Sell Out! (Joon Han Yeo, 2008)

The only showing of the Singapore film, Sell Out, is, oddly enough, sold out. It’s my first Singaporean film, a musical sporting a peculiar premise, so I’m excited about it. A young Singaporean engineer, working for a multinational conglomerate, designs a terrific new product (a tofu processor) but discovers that his invention (and any kind of innovation) isn’t welcomed at […]
November 26, 2010

Kuroneko (Kaneto Shindo, 1968)

in its new restoration, Kuroneko (Kaneto Shindo, 1968) is one of those gems, a ‘60s Japanese horror film with a sharp aesthetic.
November 26, 2010

Ip Man 2 (Wilson Yip, 2010)

Watching Ip Man 2, you're left with the feeling that it doesn't have a reason for existing, except to cash in on the success of the first Ip Man.
November 26, 2010

Secret Reunion (Hun Jang, 2010)

A federal agent meets a spy, Ji-won, who had escaped from North Korea, they play a game of cat-and-mouse, keeping an eye on one another.
November 24, 2010

The Naked Kitchen (Ji-yeong Hong, 2009)

The Naked Kitchen is disappointing, even with the presence of Ji-hun Ju (Kim from last year’s Antique) and its appealing premise. It does everything wrong.