March 26, 2010

Before The Devil Knows You’re Dead (Sidney Lumet, 2007)

Although Before The Devil Knows You're Dead succeeds for most of its running time, it fails to deliver a satisfactory end.
October 1, 2010

Election (Alexander Payne, 1999)

There are some movies that change your perception of what is possible, what is allowed. Alexander Payne's Election was that for me.
April 20, 2010

Haiti Chérie (Claudio Del Punta, 2007)

Haiti Chérie is a brutal film and stirs up in its spectator, as it should and as did its predecessors, a desire for change.
February 16, 2011

The King’s Speech (Tom Hooper, 2010)

The King's Speech is the story of King George VI, his rise to the throne and his battle to control a lifelong speech impediment in the early days of radio.
December 10, 2010

Little Big Soldier (Shen Ding, 2010)

Little Big Soldier tells the story of an army deserter who captures the general of a warring faction, planning to deliver him for the reward.