March 26, 2010

Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (Tom Tykwer, 2006)

WHAT IT IS: Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, born destitute, has the most gifted olfactory sense ever bestowed on a human being. He yearns to learn how to distill all smells, including a woman’s. HOW IT IS: Twyker’s Perfume is strange but mesmerizing, like a song you can’t forget. It slowly creeps in, half serial killer movie, half meditation on life, talent and […]
April 19, 2010

Once (John Carney, 2006)

WHAT IT IS: An aspiring English songwriter meets a young singer who sparks his desire and ambition. HOW IT IS: There has been a lot of press on how cheap this movie was to make and how much profit and praise it has garnered. It’s true that aesthetically, this movie looks amateurish, with no photography crafting, camera skill or direction. […]
March 29, 2010

Little Children (Todd Field, 2006)

Although true at times, Little Children never compels as the story suffers from the same shortcoming as In the Bedroom: it is merely an actors’ showcase.