National Cinemas

Petty Romance (Jeong-Hoon-Il Kim, 2010)

With its raunchy premise, Petty Romance begins with strong comedic elements. The most interesting part of the movie is its…

14 years ago

Boys on the Run (Daisuke Muira, 2010)

In Boys on the Run, Tanishi, a toy representative, spends his evenings engaging in phone sex with strangers and masturbating…

14 years ago

Central Station and the Cinema Novo tradition

Central Station is one of the most popular and internationally acclaimed Brazilian films of the 1990s. It heralded a renaissance…

14 years ago

Antique (Kyu-dong Min, 2008)

His motivations nebulous, a young man opens a neighborhood Western-style bakery called Antique, employing a host of off-the-wall characters.

15 years ago

Rough Cut (Hun Jang, 2008)

Rough Cut constructs a dual history of characters, mirror images of one another, distorted through time, in a film within…

15 years ago

Adrift In Tokyo (Satoshi Miki, 2007)

In a cluster of odd situations, Adrift in Tokyo makes us experience its city, from its empty residential streets to…

15 years ago

Dream (Kim Ki-duk, 2008)

Kim Ki-duk has shown he's an art-house auteur to contend with. Here, he adopts an esoteric premise, developing it as…

15 years ago

Felicidades (Lucho Bender, 2000)

In Felicidades,several lives intersect on Christmas Eve in Buenos Aires as they all strive not to spend the holidays alone.

15 years ago

City of God (Fernando Meirelles, 2002)

A reviewer compared City of God to Goodfellas (Martin Scorsese, 1990) and many parallels could be made between the two.…

15 years ago

Macunaïma (Joaquim Pedro de Andrade, 1969)

One of the most interesting aspects of South-American cinema is its post-colonial perspective. Having lived myself and being raised in…

15 years ago