Eric Lafalaise

Eric Lafalaise mostly communicates by writing and telling stories. He is a contributing writer to the Kinoreal film blog, a producer for Red Brand Studios, an artist, a photographer, a tech freak, and an all-around (left-right) brain nut.

Black Panther: A Perspective

I haven’t been motivated enough by any of the recent movies to add to the discussion. Black Panther has changed…

6 years ago

Seven Pounds (Gabriele Muccino, 2008)

Seven Pounds is a great concept but executed with poor vision. The supporting cast is well chosen, with Dawson, Harrelson…

9 years ago

Honeymoon (Leigh Janiak, 2014)

Honeymoon is like the edge of a blade, which could turn out quite dull or sharp as hell. Riding that…

9 years ago

Live (Noboru Iguchi, 2014)

What is most impressive with Live is its infectious energy.Every death, every plot point is sacrificed to the cinematic experience.

9 years ago

12 Years a Slave (Steve McQueen, 2013)

The highlight of 12 Years a Slave is Steve McQueen’s direction. The arresting scenes of the film are the moments…

10 years ago